Täter: @Fabi4n
eventuelle Zeugen:nO
Uhrzeit und Datum:8.11.2024
Beschreibung des Tathergangs und Beweise:hello , they did my gangshoprob then i go kill them i did kill @cwjuliancw and @Fabi4n was 10% heal he take heal and killed me , i dont have screenrecord or screenshoot beacuse that was so fast
Täter: @Fabi4n
eventuelle Zeugen:nO
Uhrzeit und Datum:8.11.2024
Beschreibung des Tathergangs und Beweise:hello , they did my gangshoprob then i go kill them i did kill @cwjuliancw and @Fabi4n was 10% heal he take heal and killed me , i dont have screenrecord or screenshoot beacuse that was so fast