Angepinnt Gangs | Informations

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  • Gangs | Informations


    What is a gang?

    A gang describes a group of several people, i.e. a clique. A gang can only be founded together with a house for a total of 50,000$. After founding the gang, you have the option of configuring the gang individually in the gang menu and carrying out various missions and actions. You can find more information in the update posts of the last gang updates. [Gang-Update 1] [Gang-Update 2] [Gang-Update 3] [Gang-Update 4]

    You can find the rules for gangs here.

    What is a gang introduction and what is it used for?

    To present your gang or to enjoy your own gang Teamspeak channel, you can voluntarily submit gang introductions in the corresponding forum area.
    A thread creator must at least adhere to the following points:
    • The thread creator must also be the gang owner
    • If the gang is deleted, this must be stated in the respective thread
    Every gang will be checked by a team member with the rank of Supporter or higher and accepted or rejected. If the gang collectively violates the rules, the right is reserved to dissolve it.

    Do we get Teamspeak³ channels?

    As soon as a gang has been accepted by a team member, you can leave a short post in your introduction to request a Teamspeak channel. A team member from administrator onwards will then create a Teamspeak channel depending on your gang level. If you rise in the gang level, you will receive corresponding channels from an administrator. Please note that the names of the channels must match the gang name in the forum. In addition, the channel description of the main channel must contain a forum link to the corresponding gang introduction thread. If these criteria are not met, we reserve the right to delete the channel(s). Teamspeak channels that have been deleted due to a breach of the rules may be reapplied for at the earliest one week after deletion.
    The number of gang channels depends on the gang level:
    • Gang level 1 - 1 main channel and 1 sub-channel
    • Gang level 2 - 1 main channel and 2 sub-channels
    • Gear level 3 - 1 main channel and 3 sub-channels
    • Gear level 4 and 5 - 1 main channel and 4 sub-channels