Täter: @illumfx @BiGsTeR
eventuelle Zeugen:@Blista10
Uhrzeit und Datum:18/07/2024
Beschreibung des Tathergangs und Beweise:hello i do bsw for @illumfx , @BiGsTeR, @illumfx doing team yesterday , filim was have wanteds and we send binds and he shoot and we wanted to kill him and illum take he in car + bigster kicked me from SAPD beacuse i hit illum with car 1 time , and i take his car and i give back for 30 sec
Täter: @illumfx @BiGsTeR
eventuelle Zeugen:@Blista10
Uhrzeit und Datum:18/07/2024
Beschreibung des Tathergangs und Beweise:hello i do bsw for @illumfx , @BiGsTeR, @illumfx doing team yesterday , filim was have wanteds and we send binds and he shoot and we wanted to kill him and illum take he in car + bigster kicked me from SAPD beacuse i hit illum with car 1 time , and i take his car and i give back for 30 sec
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