Täter: @MiasX
eventuelle Zeugen:
Uhrzeit und Datum: 1/20/2024
Beschreibung des Tathergangs und Beweise: i was walk to ltr and Miasx trampling with car and i punch it on car and he give me wanted so he handsup me for get to jail and he tazer me one time and get into car with frist time tazer
Täter: @MiasX
eventuelle Zeugen:
Uhrzeit und Datum: 1/20/2024
Beschreibung des Tathergangs und Beweise: i was walk to ltr and Miasx trampling with car and i punch it on car and he give me wanted so he handsup me for get to jail and he tazer me one time and get into car with frist time tazer
hi kill me/