Ingame-Name: Youssef20
Täter: @Talha
eventuelle Zeugen: @bran
Uhrzeit und Datum: 29/12/2020 20.00
Beschreibung des Tathergangs und Beweise: I was in base . So talha come and told me to get in his moto . He was whitout fskin . When i get he tie me and take me away like you can see in the record
Films et TV (
Täter: @Talha
eventuelle Zeugen: @bran
Uhrzeit und Datum: 29/12/2020 20.00
Beschreibung des Tathergangs und Beweise: I was in base . So talha come and told me to get in his moto . He was whitout fskin . When i get he tie me and take me away like you can see in the record
Films et TV (