Ingame-Name: bran
Täter: @Lon @NamTraXx @DustinxD @Dredar @BlizZ
eventuelle Zeugen: @aziz @medaligaha @[Vio]Shaker
Uhrzeit und Datum: 7.11.2020 / 21.20
Beschreibung des Tathergangs und Beweise: Since I am the leader of the gang, I will speak in my name and the name of my friends. We robbed a shop, and when we took the code, I went out to find the police, and I found this gang with them, and this gang killed us.I tried to talk to them to clarify, we did not find any solution
Täter: @Lon @NamTraXx @DustinxD @Dredar @BlizZ
eventuelle Zeugen: @aziz @medaligaha @[Vio]Shaker
Uhrzeit und Datum: 7.11.2020 / 21.20
Beschreibung des Tathergangs und Beweise: Since I am the leader of the gang, I will speak in my name and the name of my friends. We robbed a shop, and when we took the code, I went out to find the police, and I found this gang with them, and this gang killed us.I tried to talk to them to clarify, we did not find any solution