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Emergency | Event for Designers

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    • Emergency | Event for Designers

      Hello dear colleges designers on VIO-SA

      Today i came up with idea to see who can do the best, Price is fair for the request and the team is happy to see your work.

      What we are searching:
      Member List Design [6 Ranks]
      Prefix for Complains and Application

      Design Idea:
      Including Siren/Ambulance and Fire Fight
      Free of choice Background

      Price we wan't to pay: 100.000$

      Designers will have to send the finished work last day the next Sunday and by Following week Members will vote for the best work.
      In private chat you have to add : @AvaTeX @Oibaf @XDENNISX222 and @PlanB

      Thank You for your Time i hope we have further talking again.
      With Respect