Ingame-Name: rtbilyass
Täter: @TimderKuhle
Uhrzeit und Datum: 19 : 38 - 14/12/2019
Beschreibung des Tathergangs und Beweise:
i was driving cr to the chekpoint and accidently i have flip the car and cops come to me they taze and TimderKuhle get into the car until it fire and explose and im not dead yet
Täter: @TimderKuhle
Uhrzeit und Datum: 19 : 38 - 14/12/2019
Beschreibung des Tathergangs und Beweise:
i was driving cr to the chekpoint and accidently i have flip the car and cops come to me they taze and TimderKuhle get into the car until it fire and explose and im not dead yet