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Ankündigung Faction and Gang rules

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    • Faction and Gang rules

      Vio - Faction and Gang rules
      The factions are the heart of Vio and are directly responsible for the users' experience ingame. It is everybodys' job to keep the server clean of random deathmatch' and to keep the general fun. A selfish way of playing can be punished by the server admins.
      If single users or whole factions violate against the listed here rules, our server admins are allowed to punish those users, leaders or factions.
      Not all of the rules accord to reallife but are neccessary to keep the general playing fun.

      1. General rules

      1.1 Applications
      • 1.1.1 When a player changes a faction, a system-defined time as a civilian must be spent. There is an exception when changing from the Police-Academy to any faction. The admin team can also set a temporary exception for individual factions.
      • 1.1.2 A faction has no authorization, to take a compensation for accepting a user. (Money, cars or else.)
      • 1.1.3 During distributing an application ban, this must not be publicly justified or commented on.
      WARNING: Any violation against this rule is punished with a warn for the applicant, no matter how many warns this person already has.
      The leader has to make sure that the applicant fulfills all requirements. If this duty is not fulfilled, then the a punishment for the leader can be expected.

      1.2 Forum
      • 1.2.1 Each faction (exception: terrorists) is committed to keep a current memberlist in the general forum.
      • 1.2.2 Complaints: At violations against server rules, complaints against faction members must be posted and processed in "Complaints against users". Only at violations against internal faction rules the complaint must be written in the forum area of the user's faction.
      1.3 Leadership
      • 1.3.1 It is strictly forbidden to steal money from the faction fund /gang fund for your own use or to take it as a loan. This money is only for the faction / gang!
      • 1.3.2 The leaders of a faction are not permitted to demand money or valuables without a valid reason.
      • 1.3.3 Removed.
      • 1.3.4 It is not permitted to invite or uninvite players for fun.
      • 1.3.5 It is not permitted to use rankups as means for the purpose. That means, it is forbidden to give a rankup to a player only to show or demonstrate something.
      • 1.3.6 A leader (rank 5) must have played at least 15 hours in the last 30 days.
      • 1.3.7 A player may join the leadership (rank 4 or 5) after 30 days of membership in the respective faction at the earliest. If a member of the leadership leaves the faction and rejoins the same faction within 90 days, this waiting period is not required. For this, the player must not have been to another faction in between or have only done the Police-Academy. Furthermore, the player must not have been permanently banned. The project management will decide on further exceptions in justified individual cases.

      2. Rules for evil factions and gangs

      2.1 Behaviour towards civilians
      • 2.1.1 A player can only be placed on the blacklist if there's a valid proof (for example a screenshot or a video) for the blacklist-reason. The involvement of a gang member in a gang mission does not justify putting the member on the blacklist.
      • 2.1.2 If the target on the blacklist finds himself in a vehicle, the user must be binded three times with a delay of three seconds each before usage of weapons in order to protect the vehicle. One exception is the usage of a sniper rifle - but only if the vehicle does'nt suffer.
      • 2.1.3 It is not allowed to kill the victims of a robbery only because they are not able to pay.
      • 2.1.4 Members of a gang wearing the respective gang skin may defend the premises of their headquarters against intruders, provided that they do not leave the premises after at least 5 requests to leave the premises, each of which must be at least 5 seconds apart and must be communicated by gangskin-wearing members of the respective gang, or return immediately afterwards.
      • 2.1.5 The /tie function may only be used by gangs/evil factions for kidnappings, robberies, and terrorist attacks.
      2.2 War
      • 2.2.1 It is allowed for members of evil factions / gangs to shoot at members of enemy evil factions / gangs when they are sitting in their private vehicles with faction / gang skin.
      • 2.2.2 Evil factions / gangs that are officially in a state of war may fight each other in accordance with the rules. In the bases of the evil factions and on the gang's immediate property, however, fighting is not permitted solely due to the state of war.
      • 2.2.3 At a baserush, one member of the defending faction must be informed about the attack via phone or TS³. In the TS³, the announcement must be confirmed by closing the chat within 10 minutes after receiving the announcement. Evil factions can only rush the same faction once a day. An exception is if both leaderships agree on a second baserush. A baserush ends when all defenders died or after 15 minutes after the beginning.
      • 2.2.4 Contrary to 2.2.2 and 2.2.3, the base of another evil faction may be entered if a combat operation started or continued outside of base is continued or fired from the respective base. This does not count as a base storm within the meaning of rule 2.2.3. Consequently, only those players may be pursued and shot at in the base who caused the storm or who, for example, contributed to it, or who used force against the intruders as a result of or during the storm.
      • 2.2.5 Storming ( /ram ) a gangbase interior on suspicion is not permitted. The gangbase interior is considered a safe area and may only be entered by state factions as part of a raid or during an existing situation with a corresponding escape.
      2.3 Alliances
      • 2.3.1 An evil faction may only ally with a maximum of one other evil faction (with which it is in "peace" status) in a situation against another evil faction, gang or official.
      • 2.3.2 On the first Saturday or Sunday of each month, an action day of the evil factions can take place. In order to be able to carry this out, at the latest the day before, a posting must be published in the forum section "General" of at least one bad faction with the date, a leader of the action and the participating bad factions. Likewise, the adminteam must be informed by ticket system at the latest the day before. On the day of the action, the participating evil factions will be allowed to unite against state factions in the campaigns wanted hunting, bank robbery, casino robbery, weapon truck, weapon convoy, carrob, hostage taking, dam blasting and storming of state faction bases, as well as in actions carried out by members of the terrorists.
      • 2.3.3 Contrary to 2.3.1, fighting evil factions / gangs at war does not count as an alliance, even if other factions or gangs are already involved.Contrary to 2.3.1, fighting evil factions / gangs at war does not count as an alliance, even if other factions or gangs are already involved.
      • 2.3.4 The members of a gang may support each other if they are wearing the respective gang skin.

      Special rules for terrorists:

      The following rules are above the internal rules of the terrorists and can not be changed by those. If a terrorist violates against this rules, a sanction by the project managers will follow.
      1. Terrorists are allowed to make DM in the according to server rules 2 and 9 zones, as long as it is allowed by their leader and as long as it is for a useful purpose (e.g. events). (Simple sniping of users in these zones is still forbidden)
      2. The terrorists' hunter may only fly in the airspace above one of the three cities (San Fierro, Las Venturas, Los Santos) when allowed by their leader and only for useful purpose (e.g. events).
      3. Terrorists are only allowed to interrupt an event with permission by their leader and only with a comprehensible sense.

      3. Rules for officers

      3.1 General
      • 3.1.1 Selling or storing of faction weapons is strictly forbidden for all officers and will be punished hard.
      • 3.1.2 If every officer, which were at the operation, dies, the distribution of wanteds is forbidden.
      • 3.1.3 It is not permitted to use force of arms on a person who is pushed down by the water cannon vehicle (S.W.A.T.).

      3.2 Binds
      • 3.2.1 The binding user must make sure that the message is read by the target.
      • 3.2.2 Between two binds there must be a delay of at least three seconds each.
      • 3.2.3 Officers have to bind a target three times before using lethal force.
      • 3.2.4 Removed.
      • 3.2.5 When receiving a bind, a wanted person has to make sure that he is meant.

      3.3 Tazer
      • 3.3.1 The tazer is a tool for the chase of criminals. It therefore may only be used after binding the target.
      • 3.3.2 When the first shots of the wanted person fall, the tazer may not be used against that wanted person until a new chase occurs. A new chase occurs when there is a cease-fire of the wanted person for at least ten seconds and a tried getaway. This includes throwing or explosive weapons.
      • 3.3.3 It is not allowed to use the tazer when the criminal is on reload.
      • 3.3.4 The Tazer may only be used 3 seconds after the first bind.

      3.4 Grabben
      • Grabbing a user is allowed in the following situations:
        1. After the second use of the tazer
        2. When a user is AFK
        3. When a user has less than 3 hours of playtime

      3.5 Special weapons
      • 3.5.1 Usage of tear gas is forbidden in interiors. This is valid for the bank, public buildings and privat interiors.
      • 3.5.2 Throwing of tear gas in or directly next to a marker is forbidden. It is not allowed to feel the negative effects of tear gas when standing in the marker itself (coughs).
      • 3.5.3 Special vehicles of the army (Hydra, Hunter, Rhino, Combat drone) and the javelin may only be used when there is RPG-fire, when using car bombs, suicide bombs, C4, Hunter, Katyusha, grenades or satchel charges as well as during raids, convoys and exercises. The combat drone may also be used in hostage-taking.

      3.6 Raids and baserushes
      • 3.6.1 It is allowed to start a raid on any evil faction once a day (per faction), when there is at least one player with 6 wanteds, or two players with 5 wanteds each in the faction's base. All players who find themselves in this base during the raid may be searched for illegal items, and all criminals that are wanted may be arrested.
      • 3.6.2 Furthermore, in contrast to 3.6.1, it is allowed to rush a factions base when continueing a chase that began outside of the base, when an arms truck drives into that base or when shots are fired from inside a base. Such a baserush is not considered as raid. Therefore, only involved players may be arrested. A player is also considered as involved when he becomes conspicious during the baserush.
      • 3.6.3 Opposite to 3.6.1, it is allowed to do more than only one raid, when the leaders of both the evil faction and the officers faction agree on it.

      3.7 SWAT Rules
      • 3.7.1 The SWAT mode can be used under the following conditions:
        • during special operations (asservates truck, shoprob, carrob, arms truck, bankrob, casinorob, hostage-taking, police raids, base storming, prisoner transport, prison break, terrorist attack, armsconvoy)
        • during raids
        • for exercises & mass traffic control
        • during the use of throwable weapons or explosive weapons
        • for a user with 6 wanteds whose position is known
        • for two terrorists, each with at least 4 Wanteds, who are in the same place and whose position is known
        • for at least 5 members of the same faction / gang (positions of the members are known), one of them has to have at least 4 Wanteds, which are all in the same place or obviously moving together (e.g. glued-X vehicle

      • 3.7.2 After the end of a situation the cop has to use the normal duty mode immediately. To do this, he has to take the direct and fastest route to the next duty marker. The SWAT mode is not used for any other situations than those listed above and is only used within these. Should a cop encounter a wantler, e.g. on the way to the faction base, who does not fulfil the conditions listed above, the wantler must be ignored.

      4. Special operations

      4.1 Generally
      • 4.1.1 In the following actions, state factionists have immediate permission to shoot if the gang/faction is clearly involved in the action: terrorist attacks, hostage-taking, bank/casino robbery, weapons convoy, weapons truck, raid, weapons delivery, shop robberies
        • In addition, state factionists have immediate permission to shoot for the following actions if 3 exclusion zone binds have been made: evidence truck, prisoner transport
      • 4.1.2 In the actions mentioned in 4.1.1, gangs and factions also have immediate permission to shoot if a state faction member is clearly involved in the action
      • 4.1.3 In addition to 4.1.2, gangs/factions have immediate permission to shoot if a state faction member is clearly involved in the following actions: evidence truck, prisoner transport, raids, carrob, prison break
      • 4.1.4 Gangs / factions are allowed, regardless of war status, to fight with each other in the following actions: protection money missions, gang missions, gas bottle missions, gang tag spraying
      • 4.1.5 Gangs / factions may also not fight each other in war status during the following actions: taking hostages, shop robbing, bank/casino robbery
      • 4.1.6 Gangs / factions may fight each other in war status during the following actions: weapon truck, gang weapon delivery, carrob
      • 4.1.7 A fight within the meaning of rules 4.1.4 - 4.1.6 only includes the action that has been started, not the stay at the starting point or the time before.
      • 4.1.8 In all other cases, the normal wanted and shooting permit regulations apply

      4.2 Carrob
      • 4.2.1 It's not allowed to use nailbands at a carrob.
      • 4.2.2 It is not allowed to block directly in front of the door or even inside of the garage. HAND IN MAP

      4.3 Hostage taking
      • 4.3.1 Hostage takings must be able to be rushed.
      • 4.3.2 Any actions via /me are invalid. (Exception is the decrease of meanf of communication.)
      • 4.3.3 Hostage takings may not be in interiors.
      • 4.3.4 A faction may only start a hostage taking every three days.
      • 4.3.5 Only (!!) money can be extorted.
      • 4.3.6 It may be at most three hostages kept captured at the same time.
      • 4.3.7 Satchels on a hostage are forbidden.
      • 4.3.8 Officers on duty and members of the same faction can not be taken as hostage.
      • 4.3.9 The agent and the hostages may no longer be killed after the money has been handed over.
      • 4.3.10 If the agent tries to flee, he may be killed in contrast to rule 4.3.9.
      • 4.3.11 The agent is not allowed to use knowledge gained through his function to suspect (wanteds) somebody.
      • 4.3.12 Other hostile criminal factions shall not interfere.

      4.4 Arms truck
      • 4.4.1 It is allowed to steal arms trucks from other factions and to dump them in ones own base.
      • 4.4.2 It is not allowed to shoot with (hunter / drone) machine guns, throwable weapons or explosive weapons on the arms truck.
      • 4.4.3 It is allowed to "surf" on the arms truck.

      4.5 Asservates truck
      • 4.5.1 Evil factions / gangs are allowed to steal or destroy the asservates trucks in order to receive the illegal items.
      • 4.5.2 It is not allowed to shoot with (hunter / drone) machine guns, throwable weapons or explosive weapons on the asservates truck.
      • 4.5.3 Removed.
      • 4.5.4 The asservates truck isn't counted as a convoi, that's why the army's special vehicles are only allowed to support the officers if they got attacked by an rocket launcher or throwable weapons or explosive weapons.

      4.6 Police raids
      • 4.6.1 Removed.
      • 4.6.2 Removed.
      • 4.6.3 The use of the tazer in the raid zone is prohibited.
      • 4.6.4 The use of throwable weapons or explosive weapons (except rocket launchers) in the raid zone is prohibited.
      • 4.6.5 Civilans are not allowed to enter the raid-zone during a running mission.

      4.7 Prisoner transport
      • 4.7.1 The use of throwable weapons or explosive weapons and / or special vehicles is generally prohibited.
      • 4.7.2 The gates and the inner courtyard at the delivery point of the prisoner transport must not be blocked in such a way that the prisoner transport can no longer pass them.

      4.8 Arms convoy
      • 4.8.1 It is allowed to surf on the campaign vehicle.
      • 4.8.2 The arms convoy is a convoy within the meaning of rule 3.5.3.
      • 4.8.3 Removed.
      • 4.8.4 Shelling of the campaign vehicle with throwable weapons or explosive weapons and (hunter / drone) machine guns is not permitted.

      4.9 Prison escape
      • 4.9.1 On fugitives with social status “!!! Fugitive !!!” is subject to immediate firing permission. This also applies to private cars.

      4.10 Protection money mission
      • 4.10.1 If a protection money mission has been started (alarm flashing), no other gang may intervene except the shop owners.

      4.11 Gang missions
      • 4.11.1 Gangs may fight each other at the earliest from the appearance of the yellow marker before the next possible start of a gang mission at the respective starting point. The resulting death excludes a player from the further course of the mission.
      • 4.11.2 During a gang mission, members of other gangs and the defending faction may capture or destroy the boat or vehicle by force of arms and prevent the gang from completing the gang mission in any other way.
      • 4.11.3 Only gang members and members of the defending faction may take part in gang missions. Wanteds may be awarded by members of the state factions.
      • 4.11.4 All participants in a gang mission must wear the respective gang or faction skin for the entire duration.
      • 4.11.5 The use of private vehicles is permitted during gang missions. In the event of damage, neither the participating gangs or factions nor their members are obliged to provide compensation.
      • 4.11.6 Gangs and the defending faction are only permitted to fight the members of the performing gang after the gang mission has been completed if they had visual contact at the time of delivery.
      • 4.11.7 Parking or otherwise blocking the drop-off points of gang missions by boat, aircraft, vehicle, etc. is prohibited

      4.12 Bankrob & Casinorob
      • 4.12.1 It is not allowed to kill people directly at the spawn in the bank or casino.
      • 4.12.2 As soon as a faction / gang has opened the door, it is considered to have started.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 27 mal editiert, zuletzt von [Vio]Chaos ()

    • 2.3 Alliances

      2.3.2 On Friday, Saturday and Sunday between 19:30 and 22:00, two evil factions (who are in a cooperative state to each other) are allowed to cooperate for the following actions: bankrob; arms truck.

      2.3.2 On Friday and Saturday between 19:30 and 00:30 and on Sunday between 19:30 and 23:30, two evil factions (who are in a cooperative state to each other) are allowed to cooperate for the following actions: bankrob; arms truck.
      Mit freundlichen Grüßen

      [Vio]Tyler schrieb:

      Du bist der Kugelschreiber unter den Kugelschreibern.
      Lass dich niemals als Stift verkaufen!
    • [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      • 1.3.6 A leader (rank 5) must have played at least 15 hours in the last 30 days.
      • 1.3.7 A player may join the leadership (Rank 4 or 5) at the earliest after 30-day membership in the respective faction. If a member of the leadership leaves the faction and rejoins the same faction, this waiting period is not required, as long as it was not in an other faction in between. The project management decides on further exceptions in justified individual cases.

      Rules 1.3.6 and 1.3.7 added.

      [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      • 2.1.1 A player can only be placed on the blacklist if there's a valid proof (for example a screenshot or a video) for the blacklist-reason. The involvement of a gang member in a gang mission does not justify putting the member on the blacklist.

      Rule 2.1.1 changed.
    • [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      1.3.7 A player may join the leadership (Rank 4 or 5) at the earliest after 30-day membership in the respective faction. If a member of the leadership leaves the faction and rejoins the same faction, this waiting period is not required, as long as it was not in an other faction in between. The project management decides on further exceptions in justified individual cases.

      [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      1.3.7 A player may join the leadership (rank 4 or 5) after 30 days of membership in the respective faction at the earliest. If a member of the leadership leaves the faction and rejoins the same faction, this waiting period is not required. For this, the player must not have been to another faction in between or have only done the basic military service. Furthermore, the player must not have been permanently banned. The project management will decide on further exceptions in justified individual cases.
      Rule 1.3.7 changed.

      [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      2.3.1 Members of evil factions are not allowed to create alliances with faction strangers against other evil factions or officers. (Exception: Terrorists are allowed cooperate with one other evil faction.)

      [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      2.3.1 Members of evil factions are not allowed to create alliances with faction strangers against other evil factions or officers. (Exception: Terrorists are allowed cooperate with one other evil faction against other factions.)
      Rule 2.3.1 changed.

      [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      3.3.2 When the first shots fall, the tazer may not be used until a new chase occurs. A new chase occurs when there is a cease-fire for at least ten seconds and a tried getaway.

      [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      3.3.2 When the first shots of the wanted person fall, the tazer may not be used against that wanted person until a new chase occurs. A new chase occurs when there is a cease-fire of the wanted person for at least ten seconds and a tried getaway.
      Rule 3.3.2 changed.

      Rules 1.1.10, 3.2.5, 3.3.4 and 4.7 added.
      Mit freundlichen Grüßen

      [Vio]Tyler schrieb:

      Du bist der Kugelschreiber unter den Kugelschreibern.
      Lass dich niemals als Stift verkaufen!
    • [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      4.8 Arms convoy
      • 4.8.1 It is allowed to surf on the campaign vehicle.
      • 4.8.2 The arms convoy is a convoy within the meaning of rule 3.5.3.
      • 4.8.3 The arms convoy, its unambiguous participants and their escort vehicles are allowed to shoot immediately.
      • 4.8.4 Shelling of the campaign vehicle with explosive weapons and (hunter / drone) machine guns is not permitted.

      Rules 4.8.1 to 4.8.4 added.

      [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      3.7 SWAT Rules
      • 3.7.1 The SWAT mode can be used under the following conditions:
        • during special operations (asservates truck, shoprob, carrob, arms truck, bankrob, hostage-taking, police raids, base storming, prisoner transport, prison break, terrorist attack, armsconvoy)
        • ...

      Rule 3.7.1 changed.
    • [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      • 1.1.7 An application can be accepted after 12 hours first. (Exception: The applicant does not fullfill the requirements).

      [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      • 1.1.7 An application can be accepted after 1 hour first. (Exception: The applicant does not fullfill the requirements).

      [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      2.3 Alliances
      • 2.3.1 Members of evil factions are not allowed to create alliances with faction strangers against other evil factions or officers. (Exception: Terrorists are allowed cooperate with one other evil faction against other factions.)
      • 2.3.2 On Friday and Saturday between 19:30 and 00:30 and on Sunday between 19:30 and 23:30, two evil factions (who are in a cooperative state to each other) are allowed to cooperate for the following actions: bankrob; arms truck.
      • 2.3.3 On the first Saturday of each month, an action day of the evil factions can take place. In order to be able to carry this out, at the latest the day before, a posting must be published in the forum section "General" of at least one bad faction with the date, a leader of the action and the participating bad factions. Likewise, the adminteam must be informed by ticket system at the latest the day before. On the day of the action, the participating evil factions will be allowed to unite against state factions in the campaigns wanted hunting, bank robbery, weapon truck, carrob, dam blasting and storming of state faction bases, as well as in actions carried out by members of the terrorists. Faction Rule 2.3.2 (alliances between two evil factions) will not apply to the entire day.
      • 2.3.4 Fighting evil factions at war status, contrary to 2.3.1, does not count as an alliance, even if other factions are already involved.

      [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      2.3 Alliances
      • 2.3.1 An evil faction is only allowed to ally with at most one other evil faction (with which it has the status "peace") in a situation against another evil faction or officers.
      • 2.3.2 On the first Saturday or Sunday of each month, an action day of the evil factions can take place. In order to be able to carry this out, at the latest the day before, a posting must be published in the forum section "General" of at least one bad faction with the date, a leader of the action and the participating bad factions. Likewise, the adminteam must be informed by ticket system at the latest the day before. On the day of the action, the participating evil factions will be allowed to unite against state factions in the campaigns wanted hunting, bank robbery, casino robbery, weapon truck, weapon convoy, carrob, hostage taking, dam blasting and storming of state faction bases, as well as in actions carried out by members of the terrorists.
      • 2.3.3 Fighting evil factions at war status, contrary to 2.3.1, does not count as an alliance, even if other factions are already involved.

      [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      4.1 Bankrob

      • 4.1.1 It is not allowed to kill people directly at the spawn in the bank.
      • 4.1.2 As soon as a faction killed the NPC inside the bank and opened the door, it may not be disturbed by other evil factions.

      [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      4.1 Bankrob & Casinorob
      • 4.1.1 It is not allowed to kill people directly at the spawn in the bank or casino.
      • 4.1.2 As soon as a faction opened the door, it may not be disturbed by other evil factions.

    • [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      1.1.4 When a player changes a faction, a system-defined time as a civilian must be spent. The only exception is the change from the Police-Academy to any faction.

      [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      1.1.4 When a player changes a faction, a system-defined time as a civilian must be spent. There is an exception when changing from the Police-Academy to any faction. The admin team can also set a temporary exception for individual factions.

      [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      1.1.7 An application can be accepted after 1 hour first. (Exception: The applicant does not fullfill the requirements).

      [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      1.1.7 An application can be accepted after 3 hours first. Exception: The applicant does not fullfill the requirements. The admin team can also set a temporary exception for individual factions.
    • [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      3.7.1 The SWAT mode can be used under the following conditions:
      • during special operations (asservates truck, shoprob, carrob, arms truck, bankrob, hostage-taking, police raids, base storming, prisoner transport, prison break, terrorist attack, armsconvoy)
      • ...

      [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      3.7.1 The SWAT mode can be used under the following conditions:
      • during special operations (asservates truck, shoprob, carrob, arms truck, bankrob, casinorob, hostage-taking, police raids, base storming, prisoner transport, prison break, terrorist attack, armsconvoy)
      • ...

      Rule 3.7.1 changed.

      [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      4.4.2 It is not allowed to shoot with throwable weapons or explosive weapons on the arms truck.

      [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      4.4.2 It is not allowed to shoot with (hunter / drone) machine guns, throwable weapons or explosive weapons on the arms truck.

      Rule 4.4.2 changed.

      [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      4.5.2 It is not allowed to shoot with throwable weapons or explosive weapons on the asservates truck.

      [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      4.5.2 It is not allowed to shoot with (hunter / drone) machine guns, throwable weapons or explosive weapons on the asservates truck.

      Rule 4.5.2 changed.
    • [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      1.3.7 A player may join the leadership (rank 4 or 5) after 30 days of membership in the respective faction at the earliest. If a member of the leadership leaves the faction and rejoins the same faction, this waiting period is not required. For this, the player must not have been to another faction in between or have only done the Police-Academy. Furthermore, the player must not have been permanently banned. The project management will decide on further exceptions in justified individual cases.

      [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      1.3.7 A player may join the leadership (rank 4 or 5) after 30 days of membership in the respective faction at the earliest. If a member of the leadership leaves the faction and rejoins the same faction within 90 days, this waiting period is not required. For this, the player must not have been to another faction in between or have only done the Police-Academy. Furthermore, the player must not have been permanently banned. The project management will decide on further exceptions in justified individual cases.
      Rule 1.3.7 changed.
    • [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      4.5.3 There is no shooting permission on evil factionists / gangs at the asservates truck, except when they are directly at the place of delivery, then they open fire on the officers or after three locking-zone binds.

      [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      4.5.3 Evil factionists / gangs are not immediately allowed to shoot at the evidence truck, unless they are directly at the drop-off location, open fire on the state factionists or after 3 successful Restricted-zone binds. Wanted rules remain unaffected.
      Rule 4.5.3 changed.

      [Vio]Forces schrieb:

      4.7.3 Evil factionists / gangs are not immediately allowed to shoot at the prisoner transport, unless they are directly at the drop-off location, open fire on the state factionists or after 3 successful Restricted-zone binds. Wanted rules remain unaffected.
      Rule 4.7.3 added.