Täter: @illumfx @[Vio]cRunshii
eventuelle Zeugen:Arjanit10
Uhrzeit und Datum:27/07/2024
Beschreibung des Tathergangs und Beweise:hello i do bsw for illumfx and [vio]crunshii beacuse i was drive a car and i was have 15+ stvo and they send bind + i drive and illum give me wanteds + he send bind and i hit with katana and he tazer me + crunshii dont do bann him or stop him , they send me in jail…-4nq5-c5f5-td1v-nqh1-1o6q
Täter: @illumfx @[Vio]cRunshii
eventuelle Zeugen:Arjanit10
Uhrzeit und Datum:27/07/2024
Beschreibung des Tathergangs und Beweise:hello i do bsw for illumfx and [vio]crunshii beacuse i was drive a car and i was have 15+ stvo and they send bind + i drive and illum give me wanteds + he send bind and i hit with katana and he tazer me + crunshii dont do bann him or stop him , they send me in jail…-4nq5-c5f5-td1v-nqh1-1o6q