Ingame-Name: Blista10
Täter: @KamiKz @Trunks
eventuelle Zeugen:- @Aliuerion3
Uhrzeit und Datum:11:00 am 5.12.2023
Kamikz was in my blacklist and he came to my base with trunks i tired to kill kamkiz they tired to run away and istoped them i tired to kill kamikz and trunks tazered me while i was shuting on kamikz and kamikz killed me while i was tazered
Täter: @KamiKz @Trunks
eventuelle Zeugen:- @Aliuerion3
Uhrzeit und Datum:11:00 am 5.12.2023
Kamikz was in my blacklist and he came to my base with trunks i tired to kill kamkiz they tired to run away and istoped them i tired to kill kamikz and trunks tazered me while i was shuting on kamikz and kamikz killed me while i was tazered