Ingame-Name: Habib
Täter: @Xanax420
eventuelle Zeugen: @youssef20
Uhrzeit und Datum: 12:10 -12:18
Beschreibung des Tathergangs und Beweise:
We stole a Wt from the triaden and we was on our way to repair it and then i saw xanax with his infernus on the autobahn and we get out from it to take a picture with Youssef20 and suddenly the WT get destroyed with rpg after getting fskin
We tried to clarify but no solution with xanax and youssef20 can affirm that
Xanax broked the rule : [4.4.2 Der Waffentruck darf nicht mit (Hunter-/Drohnen-)MG, Wurf- oder Explosivwaffen beschossen werden.]
Täter: @Xanax420
eventuelle Zeugen: @youssef20
Uhrzeit und Datum: 12:10 -12:18
Beschreibung des Tathergangs und Beweise:
We stole a Wt from the triaden and we was on our way to repair it and then i saw xanax with his infernus on the autobahn and we get out from it to take a picture with Youssef20 and suddenly the WT get destroyed with rpg after getting fskin
We tried to clarify but no solution with xanax and youssef20 can affirm that
Xanax broked the rule : [4.4.2 Der Waffentruck darf nicht mit (Hunter-/Drohnen-)MG, Wurf- oder Explosivwaffen beschossen werden.]