Täter: @Pyccak
eventuelle Zeugen: keine
Uhrzeit und Datum: 05.08.2023 15:08
Beschreibung des Tathergangs und Beweise: when i was driving i see him with fskin , We exchanged shots until he was close to death Then he healed himself and he escaped away
You can verify the validity of the course of events through The Damage Logs
Täter: @Pyccak
eventuelle Zeugen: keine
Uhrzeit und Datum: 05.08.2023 15:08
Beschreibung des Tathergangs und Beweise: when i was driving i see him with fskin , We exchanged shots until he was close to death Then he healed himself and he escaped away
You can verify the validity of the course of events through The Damage Logs