ISlamischer Terror in Europa

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  • Peekash schrieb:

    eXe schrieb:

    Peekash schrieb:

    bitte nur deutsch :cursing:
    ne, denn heißt es ja gleich wieder man wäre ein nazi /afd wähler. facepalm
    warum wirst du als nazi betitelt und geldklauer
    wer bist du ziegenhirte überhaupt, bestimmt irgendein multi aus der kinderclique von ikarus der aktuell perma ist

    locker itz oder rayl was für autistenbengel die immer so krass tun sie können ja ohne vio der bann juckt sie nicht aber müssen sich multis erstellen um die sucht zu befriedigen, reborn 3.0 nur das du dich zumindestens nicht als kleines mädchen ausgibt um die aufmerksamkeit zu bekommen
  • PRAX- schrieb:

    Neotrix schrieb:

    Mobster schrieb:

    Jo folks come down again.
    To generalize Islam is simply wrong.
    There are crazy people in every religion who use them as a means to an end to bring suffering and war on people.

    I think Sebastian Kurz said it aptly today. What the terrorists want is that we incite each other and we shouldn't do them to please them. Whether Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, atheist or whatever one can be, we all have to stand side by side and show that we are not intimidated by such things and that we keep our peace.
    True words
    not so deep
    & my words:

    The thing is, I think it's a shame if, for example, someone is shot in Berlin or something, they say directly, an Islamic murderer or something.
    It's just sad what happened to the world when a German kills a German, it means he was Islamic culture again.
    You should just not open your mouth if you don't know the details of the matter and not say "Islam" directly. Is an insult in my opinion
    lol the biggest terrorist i saw in my life is adolf hitler @eXe can you tell me his religion ?
  • SaadAbi. schrieb:

    PRAX- schrieb:

    Neotrix schrieb:

    Mobster schrieb:

    Jo folks come down again.
    To generalize Islam is simply wrong.
    There are crazy people in every religion who use them as a means to an end to bring suffering and war on people.

    I think Sebastian Kurz said it aptly today. What the terrorists want is that we incite each other and we shouldn't do them to please them. Whether Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, atheist or whatever one can be, we all have to stand side by side and show that we are not intimidated by such things and that we keep our peace.
    True words
    not so deep& my words:

    The thing is, I think it's a shame if, for example, someone is shot in Berlin or something, they say directly, an Islamic murderer or something.
    It's just sad what happened to the world when a German kills a German, it means he was Islamic culture again.
    You should just not open your mouth if you don't know the details of the matter and not say "Islam" directly. Is an insult in my opinion
    lol the biggest terrorist i saw in my life is adolf hitler @eXe can you tell me his religion ?
    you saw hitler in reallife ? 8o
  • Olexesh. schrieb:

    SaadAbi. schrieb:

    PRAX- schrieb:

    Neotrix schrieb:

    Mobster schrieb:

    Jo folks come down again.
    To generalize Islam is simply wrong.
    There are crazy people in every religion who use them as a means to an end to bring suffering and war on people.

    I think Sebastian Kurz said it aptly today. What the terrorists want is that we incite each other and we shouldn't do them to please them. Whether Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, atheist or whatever one can be, we all have to stand side by side and show that we are not intimidated by such things and that we keep our peace.
    True words
    not so deep& my words:
    The thing is, I think it's a shame if, for example, someone is shot in Berlin or something, they say directly, an Islamic murderer or something.
    It's just sad what happened to the world when a German kills a German, it means he was Islamic culture again.
    You should just not open your mouth if you don't know the details of the matter and not say "Islam" directly. Is an insult in my opinion
    lol the biggest terrorist i saw in my life is adolf hitler @eXe can you tell me his religion ?
    you saw hitler in reallife ? 8o
    yes bro i saw him burning The Jews but no one said he is terrorist bcs they have the same religion with him haha
  • SaadAbi. schrieb:

    Olexesh. schrieb:

    SaadAbi. schrieb:

    PRAX- schrieb:

    Neotrix schrieb:

    Mobster schrieb:

    Jo folks come down again.
    To generalize Islam is simply wrong.
    There are crazy people in every religion who use them as a means to an end to bring suffering and war on people.

    I think Sebastian Kurz said it aptly today. What the terrorists want is that we incite each other and we shouldn't do them to please them. Whether Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, atheist or whatever one can be, we all have to stand side by side and show that we are not intimidated by such things and that we keep our peace.
    True words
    not so deep& my words:The thing is, I think it's a shame if, for example, someone is shot in Berlin or something, they say directly, an Islamic murderer or something.
    It's just sad what happened to the world when a German kills a German, it means he was Islamic culture again.
    You should just not open your mouth if you don't know the details of the matter and not say "Islam" directly. Is an insult in my opinion
    lol the biggest terrorist i saw in my life is adolf hitler @eXe can you tell me his religion ?
    you saw hitler in reallife ? 8o
    yes bro i saw him burning The Jews but no one said he is terrorist bcs they have the same religion with him haha
    und antisemitismus ist etwa nicht weit verbreitet im islamismus? junge wie kann man denn so komplett dumm sein dieser vergleich ist so extrem schlecht.

    "Antisemitische Straftaten haben seit 2015 zugenommen, inwiefern das mit der Flüchtlingskrise zusammenhängt, muss jeder selbst entscheiden"

  • eXe schrieb:

    SaadAbi. schrieb:

    Olexesh. schrieb:

    SaadAbi. schrieb:

    PRAX- schrieb:

    Neotrix schrieb:

    Mobster schrieb:

    Jo folks come down again.
    To generalize Islam is simply wrong.
    There are crazy people in every religion who use them as a means to an end to bring suffering and war on people.
    In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
    I think Sebastian Kurz said it aptly today. What the terrorists want is that we incite each other and we shouldn't do them to please them. Whether Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, atheist or whatever one can be, we all have to stand side by side and show that we are not intimidated by such things and that we keep our peace.
    True words
    not so deep& my words:The thing is, I think it's a shame if, for example, someone is shot in Berlin or something, they say directly, an Islamic murderer or something.It's just sad what happened to the world when a German kills a German, it means he was Islamic culture again.
    You should just not open your mouth if you don't know the details of the matter and not say "Islam" directly. Is an insult in my opinion
    lol the biggest terrorist i saw in my life is adolf hitler @eXe can you tell me his religion ?
    you saw hitler in reallife ? 8o
    yes bro i saw him burning The Jews but no one said he is terrorist bcs they have the same religion with him haha
    and anti-Semitism is not widespread in islamism? boy how can you be so completely stupid this comparison is so extremely bad.In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
    "Anti-Semitic crimes have increased since 2015, to what extent this is related to the refugee crisis, everyone has to decide for themselves"
    In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

    You still have no answer bro
  • SaadAbi. schrieb:

    eXe schrieb:

    SaadAbi. schrieb:

    Olexesh. schrieb:

    SaadAbi. schrieb:

    PRAX- schrieb:

    Neotrix schrieb:

    Mobster schrieb:

    Jo folks come down again.
    To generalize Islam is simply wrong.
    There are crazy people in every religion who use them as a means to an end to bring suffering and war on people.
    In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
    I think Sebastian Kurz said it aptly today. What the terrorists want is that we incite each other and we shouldn't do them to please them. Whether Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, atheist or whatever one can be, we all have to stand side by side and show that we are not intimidated by such things and that we keep our peace.
    True words
    not so deep& my words:The thing is, I think it's a shame if, for example, someone is shot in Berlin or something, they say directly, an Islamic murderer or something.It's just sad what happened to the world when a German kills a German, it means he was Islamic culture again.You should just not open your mouth if you don't know the details of the matter and not say "Islam" directly. Is an insult in my opinion
    lol the biggest terrorist i saw in my life is adolf hitler @eXe can you tell me his religion ?
    you saw hitler in reallife ? 8o
    yes bro i saw him burning The Jews but no one said he is terrorist bcs they have the same religion with him haha
    and anti-Semitism is not widespread in islamism? boy how can you be so completely stupid this comparison is so extremely bad.In addition to this, you need to know more about it."Anti-Semitic crimes have increased since 2015, to what extent this is related to the refugee crisis, everyone has to decide for themselves"
    In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

    You still have no answer bro
    weil diese frage bzw dieser versuch eine verbindung herzustellen zwischen hitler und dem christentum einfach nur unterirdisch schlecht ist. es geht hier nicht ums christentum, sondern islamistischer terror, wenn du unbedingt darüber diskutieren willst mach nen eignen thread auf
  • eXe schrieb:

    SaadAbi. schrieb:

    eXe schrieb:

    SaadAbi. schrieb:

    Olexesh. schrieb:

    SaadAbi. schrieb:

    PRAX- schrieb:

    Neotrix schrieb:

    Mobster schrieb:

    Jo folks come down again.
    To generalize Islam is simply wrong.
    There are crazy people in every religion who use them as a means to an end to bring suffering and war on people.
    In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
    I think Sebastian Kurz said it aptly today. What the terrorists want is that we incite each other and we shouldn't do them to please them. Whether Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, atheist or whatever one can be, we all have to stand side by side and show that we are not intimidated by such things and that we keep our peace.
    True words
    not so deep& my words:The thing is, I think it's a shame if, for example, someone is shot in Berlin or something, they say directly, an Islamic murderer or something.It's just sad what happened to the world when a German kills a German, it means he was Islamic culture again.You should just not open your mouth if you don't know the details of the matter and not say "Islam" directly. Is an insult in my opinion
    lol the biggest terrorist i saw in my life is adolf hitler @eXe can you tell me his religion ?
    you saw hitler in reallife ? 8o
    yes bro i saw him burning The Jews but no one said he is terrorist bcs they have the same religion with him haha
    and anti-Semitism is not widespread in islamism? boy how can you be so completely stupid this comparison is so extremely bad.In addition to this, you need to know more about it."Anti-Semitic crimes have increased since 2015, to what extent this is related to the refugee crisis, everyone has to decide for themselves"In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

    You still have no answer bro
    weil diese frage bzw dieser versuch eine verbindung herzustellen zwischen hitler und dem christentum einfach nur unterirdisch schlecht ist. es geht hier nicht ums christentum, sondern islamistischer terror, wenn du unbedingt darüber diskutieren willst mach nen eignen thread auf
    He only compares and wants to say that if a Muslim commits a crime then he becomes terrorism, either the Christian or any other religion. If he commits the same crime, do not call him a terrorist means that the whole world attacks Islam
  • bran schrieb:

    He only compares and wants to say that if a Muslim commits a crime then he becomes terrorism, either the Christian or any other religion. If he commits the same crime, do not call him a terrorist means that the whole world attacks Islam
    No one said that, if a christain commits a crime he also can be a terrorist aswell but in that case this thread is about the IS which is a organisation of the islamic state and thats it for me because i dont now much about it.

    peace out :thumbup:
  • eXe schrieb:

    Vatrox schrieb:

    eXe schrieb:

    Peekash schrieb:

    bitte nur deutsch :cursing:
    ne, denn heißt es ja gleich wieder man wäre ein nazi /afd wähler. facepalm
    Nein, es ist ein hauptsächlich deutscher server, deshalb.
    wie deutscher server? das ist eindeutig rassistisch gegenüber ausländern, das müssen wir sofort ändern.
    Wenn dann wäre es Fremdenfeindlichkeit (Xenophobia) aber egal.
  • Vatrox schrieb:

    eXe schrieb:

    Vatrox schrieb:

    eXe schrieb:

    Peekash schrieb:

    bitte nur deutsch :cursing:
    ne, denn heißt es ja gleich wieder man wäre ein nazi /afd wähler. facepalm
    Nein, es ist ein hauptsächlich deutscher server, deshalb.
    wie deutscher server? das ist eindeutig rassistisch gegenüber ausländern, das müssen wir sofort ändern.*ironieaus
    Wenn dann wäre es Fremdenfeindlichkeit (Xenophobia) aber egal.
    das meinte ich im übergeordneten sinne damit ja auch, halt nur ironisch :D
  • Itachi schrieb:

    bran schrieb:

    He only compares and wants to say that if a Muslim commits a crime then he becomes terrorism, either the Christian or any other religion. If he commits the same crime, do not call him a terrorist means that the whole world attacks Islam
    No one said that, if a christain commits a crime he also can be a terrorist aswell but in that case this thread is about the IS which is a organisation of the islamic state and thats it for me because i dont now much about it.
    peace out :thumbup:
    the first one who used his brain here