Beschwerde gegen NoUr55

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  • Beschwerde gegen NoUr55


    Ingame-Name: @El.Osito

    Täter: @NOUR55

    eventuelle Zeugen: @Don.Pablo , @SYERDark

    Uhrzeit und Datum: 00:00-00:02 Uhr, 15.08.18

    Beschreibung des Tathergangs:

    Mitglieder unserer Gang (Medellin-Kartell) haben sich mit BlacB und NoUr55 (CripZ) an unserem Ganghaus getroffen und wollten eigentlich ein Duell starten, kamen jedoch nicht auf einen Nenner.
    Daraufhin ist die Situation heißer geworden (Waffen wurden gezogen und es wurde mit Waffen bedroht, was ja auch ok ist). Nur meinte NoUr55 dann er müsse uns beleidigen, mit einem Bann und einer Beschwerde drohen, usw.
    Da er nur Englisch spricht sind die Screens auch alle auf Englisch


    Members of our Gang (Medellin-Kartell) met with BlacB and NoUr55 at our Gang House and we wanted to start a Duel, but we couldn't get on the same page about the conditions of the duel.
    Then, the Situation got heated (Weapons were pulled out and it was threatened with those, which is okay). But NoUr55 then thougt he needed to swear at us, threaten with a ban and a complain and so on.
    Because they only speak English, the Screens are on English as well.


    Bitte um Klärung, @BlacB und @NOUR55 zeigen sich Ingame sehr abweisend und intolerant gegenüber Spielern mit weniger Stunden (wie man auch auf dem Screen sieht), dass kein Klärungsversuch unternommen werden konnte!
  • 15.8.2018 0: 5: 53 XxdavidxX says: kosomak 46735336A092B20B3AF78F703ECA0255A4761046

    08/15/2018 0: 8: 18 Don.Pablo says: kosomok = You mother's vagina 90602CD307E5DBFF6EA7CBCE3371C15EFB576774 ---> he just made it clear , Thank you @Don.Pablo

    can we know the meaning of the word pls, or i need to go and translate it on Google >> ??

    This is how you type that word on Arabic كس امك, I ask admins to Check it and translate it, This is against him.

    More proofs with more quality:

    Admins now can go and check the logs.

    best regards
    Master of Noobs [BlacB]
    With Respect

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von PlanB ()

  • BlacB schrieb:

    can we know the meaning of the word
    Das ist kein Bestandteil dieser Beschwerde, diese richtet sich ausschließlich an NoUr55! Wenn du das als Beschwerde einreichen willst, eröffne bitte eine neue!
    This is not part of this complaint, it is exclusively for NoUr55! If you want to file that as a complaint, please open a new one! @BlacB
  • At first i want to say something this Compilain is totaly wrong !....We got screen shots when we were speaking with @Don.Pablo the player @El.Osito aimed on my head and on @BlacB head then the player @XxdavidxX come and tell me arabic word [Kosomak] means كس امك and thats a big insult in arabic i got banned for 3 days because of it so i told them i go make compilain on that guy....secound thing @El.Osito aimed on me and Blacb and thats threat so we are allowed to kill him my friend Blacb shooted on him and i killed him so There is no problems here and No compialins here im just going to make complain on XxDavidxX now !
    ScreenShots : https:
  • 15.8.2018 0:5:53 XxdavidxX says: kosomak 46735336A092B20B3AF78F703ECA0255A4761046
    15.8.2018 0:6:8 Don.Pablo says: Hm 81846ADA4AFD0892F9DF40D5A17E043FAD2D1676
    15.8.2018 0:6:16 BlacB shouts: #WeAreCripZ and #WeNeverDie!!! 6845AF98FE45475E148019697D81F2C90D864932
    15.8.2018 0:6:17 NoUr55 says: XxdavidxX will get ban now ! 1522721DF9EC075CCB0BC2AD3DE4AD2ADB4D6782
    15.8.2018 0:6:23 Don.Pablo says: why 69801F8843E90EDECAA485EE136404523EAF9783
    15.8.2018 0:6:30 XxdavidxX says: why?? 4517D89C53E3022D8EA1DC4213F61EB91EDB5807
    15.8.2018 0:6:32 El.Osito says: you'll die by out hand mate 760853F312A44F775CA47FD5D5EB078BEC363279
    15.8.2018 0:6:37 NoUr55 says: he told me kosomak and it means fuck ur mom ! 3302C5C610C0D76F300EF89B56327150CB127162
    15.8.2018 0:6:42 XxdavidxX says: looll 5436BEAB5336842F548744F81CFBAF8544D88913
    15.8.2018 0:6:45 NoUr55 says: i can make complain now ! 42211110AC5898C5BCF739C7BE4EFCEC7B781075
    15.8.2018 0:6:45 XxdavidxX says: nooo? 1398A9032E22BFFD5BFE9323C160ECEE09908262
    15.8.2018 0:6:45 BlacB shouts: #WeAreCripZ and #WeNeverDie!!! 34120DBFD351F083DFD279F8336F4A47F6D49971
    15.8.2018 0:6:54 XxdavidxX says: lol?? 18078721AAA9EEE9C176556E64FE356DE3D34058
    15.8.2018 0:7:0 XxdavidxX says: in what language? 6000A4F72377965426D2B495D361D21785256640
    15.8.2018 0:7:2 Don.Pablo says: wtf what ist kosomak 6227619AF0FA93C5D67DC3860588F99081E63967
    15.8.2018 0:7:5 El.Osito says: u know what crip means in german BlacB? xD 36577B0BFEA7FF3DC84F960ED00F077B28F93407
    15.8.2018 0:7:14 Don.Pablo says: klar 7471B2F5C96E13EC9A8E75FA7770BBF8D8E76959
    15.8.2018 0:7:18 NoUr55 says: kosomak is arabic word do say anyshit ! 735980AF51C7FC39B3A61885A59C17C98C978498
    15.8.2018 0:7:26 Don.Pablo says: mom 938353EDFD61A3209702117C3ADED8D9895F3548
    15.8.2018 0:7:36 XxdavidxX says: noo arabic is like this هتخهتخهتماعم 88846D350727DE7AB5CB138737C75FCA1E425970
    15.8.2018 0:7:45 XxdavidxX says: فاهس هس ثىلمهسا مثففثقس ةشى 82802C31410FA3712BAB236A23C10B6B6D8E1955
    15.8.2018 0:7:47 NoUr55 says: I go report him to vio felix have a good day 79212DD8A4FC05DE9385762FD4E20A2E77487493
    15.8.2018 0:7:51 BlacB says: should i take all of you 1 v 1 1166236CD9F5ABA7A4CD59312F2F3432EE325838
    15.8.2018 0:7:56 XxdavidxX says: فاهس هس ثىلمهسا مثففثق ةشى 40222127C0A45E0AE9B08CDBC9D37AF8F4815677
    15.8.2018 0:8:1 El.Osito says: u salty? 14402D8800286A69E7D2E79A9AAFD170BC026262
    15.8.2018 0:8:9 XxdavidxX says: tthis is english letters mann 9734AA6C129764674625E3F660C0CCB83B471767
    15.8.2018 0:8:16 XxdavidxX says: how arabic? 5755E88F0721FF4D42AE17AFD298806D3D237533
    15.8.2018 0:8:18 Don.Pablo says: kosomok = You mother´s vagina 90602CD307E5DBFF6EA7CBCE3371C15EFB576774
    15.8.2018 0:8:19 BlacB says: oh answer is no 8790FD9D0DA235A4192F1901FC03521AE7F16456
    15.8.2018 0:8:20 Don.Pablo says: wtf 4992EE403A4612259DA726A593DCB6B44E408165
    15.8.2018 0:8:30 BlacB says: than go do home works and dont waste my time 942022A16B0CC4096DE8A7A41BA38B34A7174878
    15.8.2018 0:8:31 El.Osito says: BlacB just go 6074D62FE3611AC6394B61A47E600740F9A32385
    15.8.2018 0:8:35 El.Osito says: u nothing 2367068494A024618184DD49CEA225F503107549
    15.8.2018 0:8:39 Don.Pablo says: Nour 1735363A908A5C0FC29A1D39FFE3BD2B02604984
    15.8.2018 0:8:40 El.Osito says: ur gang is weak 4047740079F8A5F9371F753C68498BE4A50F6265
    15.8.2018 0:8:41 BlacB says: if i dont what will happen 454983E0DC3AB4D8316F25936AFADCDD6CF76447
    15.8.2018 0:9:10 El.Osito says: if you dont we will have to make you to leave 2276D7A1EE62E7D6963E1EB85FD870B62AE22065
    15.8.2018 0:9:13 NoUr55 says: MAN U DAMN 30 H AND YOU SPEAK 3317884D12B7FE454A530C3C93EBA192F8618640
    15.8.2018 0:9:18 BlacB says: osito do you want 1 v 1 or no 4292EBEFB4A3ADD1C379F6DFB15B4E006F173963
    15.8.2018 0:9:22 BlacB says: dont waste my time ok 44237E7D89086B7F76E8FE1FBA01E51B5DCF1599
    15.8.2018 0:9:25 El.Osito says: NO ONE ASKED YOU MAN! 1218A23CE5A7B9CED86ABA9702F9654B12C04632
    15.8.2018 0:9:34 BlacB says: just tell me when you feel ready and i come 78807137995B0545E72527D16D733F502B5B6250
    15.8.2018 0:9:35 NoUr55 says: YOU GO FUCK 1 V 1 OR NO ? 4463716EB1EB603DC8CBE905DB5D5AB5AE5A6869
    15.8.2018 0:9:37 El.Osito says: you wanted 1 v Gang xD 9461250DBB829EF445B61B270E0A553FE45F3955
    15.8.2018 0:9:40 BlacB says: any time bruv 66053B935EF86DF4D8BEF3D3B3D4AC34E63F9040
    15.8.2018 0:9:46 BlacB says: ok come 27669D837C01EADD790E37ED2A5F343C1F6E3909
    15.8.2018 0:9:50 NoUr55 says: 1 v El.Osito you go ? 5558BC77DF9EE59425EC0465924E94BCF4546944
    15.8.2018 0:9:53 El.Osito says: by nour have a great time 1586682BDC753A2BCF72AB1019CAADE17F2E1847
    15.8.2018 0:10:8 BlacB says: he can shote to 60068F2FB1E83385A0D8D3225C1C3180710F3895
    15.8.2018 0:10:39 El.Osito says: big talk no action 35927FC4C15FC0F8087B90D734372962BA2A6374
    15.8.2018 0:10:56 NoUr55 says: El.Osito 23666C40E2123E9A6FD5B11C04BBFAE02A733585
    15.8.2018 0:10:58 Advertisement from anoN (Phone-Nr.: 8800527), 00:07 oClock: 7321EB0476F00A9A1B514FE5B45C2AC7896D6133
    15.8.2018 0:10:58 verkaufe plastik sniper 72557736F2DBF3250E02AFE894B2296999312615
    15.8.2018 0:11:6 NoUr55 says: How old are u ? 4061740B1E16FE47B52DF5591B4196606E446747
    15.8.2018 0:11:12 El.Osito says: i still wasn't asking you. I#; 22 btw 632412805744148D6750A3ABB06857FA87A19634
    15.8.2018 0:11:17 NoUr55 says: how old ? 46382591532B1D196275917ED89FACC7FAB93233
    15.8.2018 0:11:23 El.Osito says: read 7541F870C4B6BDD02B67619CFE4A97B09A7C9155
    15.8.2018 0:11:25 BlacB says: haha try 8970149E1619D9939E68604BC35B3657523D5712
    15.8.2018 0:11:32 NoUr55 says: k k 1387E855FA1A9FA03D4D6594002660CD1F1A3580
    15.8.2018 0:11:38 El.Osito says: 22 73912453ED39E0A9B13A8321792BBE36EDBB4266
    15.8.2018 0:11:43 El.Osito says: twenty two 363704B7C0ACCC49EA8C4FDE90A284B143CD2306
    15.8.2018 0:11:51 NoUr55 says: where r u from ? 8248460C0F78C14D68172251EF0974E3BB171166
    15.8.2018 0:11:57 El.Osito says: DEUTSCHLAND! 1361094765FCA7C20B6D1F79D0E79C97F0204122
    15.8.2018 0:12:8 NoUr55 says: which place it it ? 9486BABAA54E1BF62A28E57F50C544C00AA24498
    15.8.2018 0:12:15 NoUr55 says: africa Eroup ? 37828F996AC331DFE8DAC5CE8B9DAEC6BE287654
    15.8.2018 0:12:23 El.Osito says: Europe, Germany mate 9784E25D6AFE6FC4DB5957438BDB3E2B40957433
    15.8.2018 0:12:29 NoUr55 says: oh okay 181045A54D05FFC6F3131D7D9398D8F210786901
    15.8.2018 0:12:58 NoUr55 says: no its shit 18540407A6B8540BC7111FCC54EBE468D88D5093
    15.8.2018 0:13:6 El.Osito says: 44135 Dortmund 58106A50112AC154C6467C61A3B52F7CA0129471
    15.8.2018 0:13:8 El.Osito says: come 23644874E7D5970E1A709AC1650E6A59FAC57498
    15.8.2018 0:13:20 NoUr55 says: i dont go to children 6895D3BE700E6777D8057CD9C8481A527A7F9832
    15.8.2018 0:13:24 El.Osito says: u into football/soccer? 53025EAA5DA9B9F9F74C189A27B259BC9F9E2001
    15.8.2018 0:13:26 BlacB says: can we start 5311FEA3ADF49A7D4A1D7B6C113B405486DF2314
    15.8.2018 0:13:31 XxdavidxX says: la2 gamed 36043CE0DE5AB4279580C0029AA8FB977C0B3508
    15.8.2018 0:13:38 Staff Sergeant Tobias has jailed Tinlex! 306315C824A78A755BFB587F8DD8095904988462
    15.8.2018 0:13:44 NoUr55 says: Don.Pablo 62099E15993854C5F0DE7D091E9BCA0E816D6268
    15.8.2018 0:13:47 Don.Pablo says: yes 33420BAC57B7CC03125383437D5CE4B4D9465036
    15.8.2018 0:14:3 NoUr55 says: can we do 2 vs 2 2 times on ur gang ? 670652533BA10F8F50A6B652A77200F7C0969728
    15.8.2018 0:14:19 You have been killed and you will now be patched together in the next hospital! 7538B9387E3C7507170F9D4C87F4CD3E03481588
    15.8.2018 0:14:19 You were killed by XxdavidxX. 51751A3F8811B439CDD5694E726E9DAEF16A7698
    15.8.2018 0:14:30 Don.Pablo says: Medellin ist im Kartell, steig' ins Drogen-Karussell 3601133AB17790E105CD0002BBF962BC27E23393
    15.8.2018 0:14:30 Don.Pablo shouts: Plata o Plomo?!!!! 8526DFCA44D0ACDD6D3168C4CBFFB20E4FBF5609
    15.8.2018 0:14:36 SMS from El.Osito (2412449): easy 4571C83D423DC001320CC8482A28320FC6DA9490
    15.8.2018 0:15:14 SMS to El.Osito (2412449): important mate , you are dead hahhaha 10184EC43C6C7A7191476729AECA7861D7D05048
    15.8.2018 0:15:26 SMS to El.Osito (2412449): mext time lear the game and come for me hahhaa 1936949474A17D2194F977C4C6328967ADB69752
    15.8.2018 0:15:29 XxdavidxX says: ? 7087340037B3745BF4A00A726D347170D5C31899
    15.8.2018 0:15:33 SMS to El.Osito (2412449): now is your turn to come after me 77444CA2209F26A251F146413142B41DEF0F7061
    15.8.2018 0:15:59 SMS from El.Osito (2412449): you got owned by Medellin-Kartell, for another Whipping, visit us again :P 91803985B71F6AB0048AE403499327C3E7452396
    With Respect