Announcement Faction and Gang rules

    • rules

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    • [Vio]Forces wrote:

      4.1 Generally
      • 4.1.1 In the following actions, state factionists have immediate permission to shoot if the gang/faction is clearly involved in the action: terrorist attacks, hostage-taking, bank/casino robbery, weapons convoy, weapons truck, weapons delivery, shop robberies
        • In addition, state factionists have immediate permission to shoot for the following actions if 3 exclusion zone binds have been made: evidence truck, prisoner transport
      • 4.1.2 In the actions mentioned in 4.1.1, gangs and factions also have immediate permission to shoot if a state faction member is clearly involved in the action
      • 4.1.3 In addition to 4.1.2, gangs/factions have immediate permission to shoot if a state faction member is clearly involved in the following actions: evidence truck, prisoner transport, raids, carrob, prison break
      • 4.1.4 Gangs / factions are allowed, regardless of war status, to fight with each other in the following actions: protection money missions, gang missions, gas bottle missions, gang tag spraying
      • 4.1.5 Gangs / factions may also not fight each other in war status during the following actions: taking hostages, shop robbing, bank/casino robbery
      • 4.1.6 Gangs / factions may fight each other in war status during the following actions: weapon truck, gang weapon delivery, carrob
      • 4.1.7 A fight within the meaning of rules 4.1.4 - 4.1.6 only includes the action that has been started, not the stay at the starting point or the time before.
      • 4.1.8 In all other cases, the normal wanted and shooting permit regulations apply

      4.1 Added

      [Vio]Forces wrote:

      4.12 Bank rob & casino rob
      • 4.12.1 It is not allowed to kill people directly at spawn in the bank or casino.

      4.12 Moved.

      [Vio]Forces wrote:

      • 4.1.2 As soon as a faction / gang has opened the door, it is considered to have started.
      • 1.3.1 It is strictly forbidden to steal money from the faction fund / gang fund for your own use or to take it as a loan. This money is only for the faction /gang!

      4.1.2, 1.3.1 Changed.

      [Vio]Forces wrote:

      • 1.3.3 Every player who is invited to a faction must have regularly applied in the forum with their own forum account.
      • 2.2.5 Should a gang observe another gang member/faction member spraying over their own gang tag, they are entitled to use force on the sprayer and the accompanying members of their gang from the beginning of the spraying until the completion of a successful escape, if the use of force began during the spraying or immediately afterwards.
      • 3.2.4 Contrary to 3.2.3, officers have immediate permission to shoot at the driver and passenger of the gun or matstruck as well as at the vehicle itself.
      • 4.5.3 There is no immediate permission to shoot at evil factionists/gangs from the evidence truck unless they are immediately at the drop-off point, open fire on the state factionists or after 3 exclusion zone binds have taken place. The wanted rules remain unaffected.
      • 4.7.3 There is no immediate permission to shoot at evil factionists / gangs during prisoner transport unless they open fire on the state factionists or after 3 exclusion zone binds have taken place. The wanted rules remain unaffected.
      • 4.8.3 There is immediate permission to fire on the weapons convoy, its clear participants and their accompanying vehicles.

      1.3.3, 2.2.5, 3.2.4, 4.1.2, 4.5.3, 4.7.3, 4.8.3 Removed.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by [Vio]Chaos ().

    • [Vio]Forces wrote:

      2.2.5 Storming ( /ram ) a gangbase interior on suspicion is not permitted. The gangbase interior is considered a safe area and may only be entered by state factions as part of a raid or during an existing situation with a corresponding escape.
      2.2.5 added.

      [Vio]Forces wrote:

      3.3.2 When the first shots of the wanted person fall, the tazer may not be used against that wanted person until a new chase occurs. A new chase occurs when there is a cease-fire of the wanted person for at least ten seconds and a tried getaway. This includes throwing or explosive weapons.
      3.3.2 extended.
    • [Vio]Forces wrote:

      4.6.1 The raid zone (blue & blinking mark on the map) is a restricted area during a running operation. State fraction members are allowed to shoot on any person, who enters the area. Members of a bad fraction are also allowed to shoot on any cop in the raid zone.

      4.6.2 Out of the raid zone, bad fraction members are allowed to shoot on any cop who is clearly participating on the raid (f.e. state fraction members with a drug-marker and their supporters).
      4.6.1, 4.6.2 removed.

      [Vio]Forces wrote:

      4.1.1 In the following actions, state factionists have immediate permission to shoot if the gang/faction is clearly involved in the action: terrorist attacks, hostage-taking, bank/casino robbery, weapons convoy, weapons truck, raid, weapons delivery, shop robberies
      4.1.1 extended.
    • [Vio]Forces wrote:

      3.5.3 Special vehicles of the Army (Hydra, Hunter, Rhino, Combat Drone) and the Javelin may only be used in case of RPG attacks, use of car bombs, suicide bombs, C4, Hunter, Katyusha, grenades, or backpack bombs, as well as during raids, convoys, and drills. The Combat Drone may also be used during hostage situations.

      [Vio]Forces wrote:

      3.6.3 Contrary to 3.6.1, multiple raids may also be conducted if the leaders of the state factions involved in the raid as well as the respective evil faction give their consent.

      [Vio]Forces wrote:

      4.5.4 The evidence truck is not considered a convoy, which is why only in the event of RPG fire may the Army's special vehicles be deployed.
      3.5.3, 3.6.3, 4.5.4 Removed.

      [Vio]Forces wrote:

      3.5 Special Weapons

      3.5.1 The use of gas grenades in interiors is prohibited. This applies to the bank, public buildings, and private interiors.

      3.5.2 Throwing gas grenades in or directly in front of a marker is not allowed. Therefore, it should not be possible to directly feel the effects of a gas grenade (coughing) in the marker.

      3.5.3 Special vehicles of the Army (Hydra, Hunter, Rhino, Combat Drone) and the Javelin may only be used in case of RPG attacks, use of car bombs, suicide bombs, C4, Hunter, Katyusha, grenades, or backpack bombs, as well as during raids, convoys, and drills. The Combat Drone may also be used during hostage situations.

      [Vio]Forces wrote:

      3.5 Weapon and Special Vehicle Rules

      3.5.1 State faction members may only use the weapons provided for their duty mode

      3.5.2 State faction members may only use the following weapons and special vehicles under consideration of special rules:

      Sniper Rifle

      May not be used during gang weapon deliveries

      Gas Grenades

      May not be used in interiors

      May not be used during gang weapon deliveries

      May not be thrown in such a way that someone is directly affected by a marker (coughing)

      May not be used in regular wanted hunts, except:
      ... During a personal raid
      ... During special operations
      ... During drills / mass VKK
      ... When throwing or explosive weapons are used
      ... In case of a 6-wanted individual
      ... In case of at least 2 terrorists, each with at least 4 wanted levels, who are at the same location
      ... In case of at least 5 members of the same gang (including terrorists), if at least one person has 4 wanted levels and they are located at the same place or moving together (e.g. Fest-X vehicles)

      Javelin, Grenade, Dynamite & Special Vehicles

      May only be used...
      ... during a Special Car Rob (Defense Minister), weapon convoy, or terrorist attack
      ... during drills, raids, and convoys
      ... when throwing or explosive weapons are used (including suicide bombs, C4, car bombs, dirty bombs)
      ... when enemy special vehicles are used (Hunter, Katyusha)

      May not be used against the action vehicles weapon truck / weapon convoy / evidence truck or Special Car Rob.

      May not be used during prisoner transport or raids.

      3.5.3 Special vehicles include: Hunter, Hydra, Tank, Combat Drone

      3.5.4 The Combat Drone may also be used during hostage situations
      3.5 Updated.

      [Vio]Forces wrote:

      4.2.3 The Special Car Rob (Defense Minister) may not be fired upon with (Hunter-/drone-)machine guns, throwing weapons, or explosives.
      4.2.3 Added.

      [Vio]Forces wrote:

      4.4.1 It is allowed to "steal" weapon trucks from other factions / gangs and unload the delivery at your own location. Rule 4.1.6 remains unaffected.
      4.4.1 Updated.
    • [Vio]Forces wrote:

      4.1.9 Additionally, during a Car Robbery, regardless of war status, combat is allowed at the starting location if the alarm light at the CR garage is yellow or green. Any resulting death will exclude a player from further participation in the mission. If a combat situation arises, the CR cannot be started until the situation is resolved.
      4.1.9 Added.